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Saturday, August 24, 2013

Augustine on recalling his steps towards his conversion could not forget your tears and prayers.

Novena to St. Monica
Recite daily prayers from Novena page
Day 7
O glorious St. Monica, your son Augustine on recalling his steps towards his conversion could not forget your tears and prayers.  He saw you awake during nights as you prayed to God to touch his heart and repent of his sins.  He described his conversion as your work because even God could not withstand your fidelity and patience in praying for his sake. Now in heaven, we know that Jesus listens to you and would not be able to resist your prayers.  Intercede for us and listen to our petitions.  May we also be converted and change our bad habits into good.
We pray for mothers who suffer because their children
have stopped practising their faith.

Pain it lingers on in silence.
Tears are shed within my heart.
Suffer on, oh suffer on
are words recounted in my head.
Strength and perseverance needed,
on holy ground how much I've pleaded.
Tired, weary but not alone,
In you, my God, I make my home.